The Brazil 2044 program was launched during the “Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development” panel at COP 28 in Dubai

União Brasil launched the Brazil 2044 program during COP 28 in Dubai. As a hub for innovation in the area of public policy, the initiative takes a look at Brazilian cities in 20 years' time, revealing how to act in the present to strengthen economic development with sustainability. The program promotes integration between government, academics, business and civil society leaders, and thus creates paths for a meeting of ideas for a social, economic and environmental (ESG) approach.
União Brasil was the first party in the country to launch an innovation program at a COP, while leading the “Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development” panel. The party's strategy is to promote innovative ideas and build sustainable public policies, based on ISO 37.120. The program was presented by the creator and national coordinator of Brasil 2044, Maria Emília de Rueda.
“Brazil 2044 will invest in public policies for innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable development, with a focus on young people, because they need to open their minds to see the future of Brazil. We're going to train them and encourage their participation in analyzing problems and generating ideas,” she said. COP 28 took place between November 30 and December 12 in Dubai and brought together representatives of governments and civil society from various nations around the world to debate the impacts of climate change.